Research Stations & Field Planning team

Our ambition

Is to support the UK’s polar research effort through effective and efficient operation and management of research stations and deep-field locations in the Antarctic, the subantarctic and in the Arctic. We execute our operational management and planning from our Cambridge offices and deliver our research station leadership and support on location in Antarctica and the Arctic.

Team priorities

  • To work with the scientific research teams to ensure that access to polar research stations meets project ambitions
  • To optimise the use of polar research infrastructure
  • To plan and manage logistics support to ensure that research station supplies and equipment are available to users
  • To work closely with all teams across the organisation to ensure efficient co-ordination of resources

Technology, innovation and training

  • We utilise planning tools and technologies to deliver the BAS mission
  • We train researchers and support staff in polar fieldwork techniques

Influencing and leading international programmes

  • We work with Principal Investigators and science leaders who are involved in multi-national research campaigns in the polar regions
  • We influence international polar operations through our membership of the Council of Managers of National Antarctic Programmes

Stakeholder engagement

  • We work closely with in-house and external science teams to scope out the most effective fulfillment of their requirements and offer our expertise and knowledge to create and deliver realistic support services.



Dave Wattam

Head of Polar Operations


Christopher Aldridge

Operations Programme Manager


Rodney Strachan

Stations Operations Manager


David Hunt

Station Operations Manager


Giles Murray-Jones

Rothera Station Operations Manager


Mike Brian

Rothera Deputy Station Operations Manager


Sue Dunn

Station Support Administrator


Emma Harrison

Station Support Administrator

PRESS RELEASE: New season – ambitious science

23 November, 2015

New season tackles ambitious science and logistical challenges The British Antarctic Survey (BAS) 2015/16 field season is underway with dozens of scientists and support staff – together with planes and tonnes …

NEWS STORY: Midwinter’s Day in Antarctica

20 June, 2014

Midwinter’s Day celebrations take place at Antarctic Research Stations Staff at the British Antarctic Survey are celebrating Midwinter’s Day in Antarctica. In a tradition which began in the days of …

BLOG: Bird Island Station Leader

28 May, 2014

We caught up with Bird Island Research Station Leader Adam Bradley who was living and working on the island when the BBC crew came to film Deadly Pole to Pole. …

PRESS RELEASE: New research station operational

5 February, 2013

New state-of-the-art Antarctic research station becomes fully operational this month Britain’s latest Antarctic Research Station becomes fully operational this month, signalling a new dawn for 21st Century polar research. Opening …

Surveys reveal increasing and globally important populations of south polar skuas and Antarctic shags in Ryder Bay (Antarctic Peninsula)

1 February, 2019 by Ali Massey, Janet Silk, Kevin Hughes, Richard Phillips

Despite their importance in ecosystems, population sizes and trends are unknown for many seabirds, including in the Antarctic. Here we report on the first comprehensive survey of south polar skuas…

Read more on Surveys reveal increasing and globally important populations of south polar skuas and Antarctic shags in Ryder Bay (Antarctic Peninsula)